Alive 2014

Screen Shot 2014-05-18 at 10.02.34Ceri, my wife, and I are delighted to be speaking at Alive 2014 next weekend. I will be starting everyday with Bible teaching from the book of Genesis exploring this year’s theme Grace Unpacked.  Ceri will lead a seminar on Monday afternoon entitled Family on Mission. 

Grace Unpacked

The Bible is the story of God’s grace towards us. In Genesis, the Bible’s first book, we see an extraordinary revelation of grace that sets the scene for the whole book. The story of this extravagant grace, supremely demonstrated in the death and resurrection of Jesus, continues in and through our lives today.

Genesis 1-11 The beginnings
grace in the rubble

Genesis 12 -25 The life of Abraham
grace unpacked: 1. relationship restored

Genesis 37-50 The life of Joseph
grace unpacked: 2. responsibility recaptured

Family on Mission

In the New Testament the gospel spread from house to house. These were extended families (households) that provided the relational networks for both discipleship and mission. An extended family would consist of grandparents and children, neighbours and business partners – a natural social grouping of 20 plus adults.

Come and discover how you can recapture the lost art (in our culture) of building extended family and how they can become natural places where the lost are found and discipled.

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